

The PhotoMD uses the concept that photographs and images can be documented by describing them, managing them, and recording photographer's details.

The PhotoMD can also accommodate any type of collection of images: a collection of prints, slides, etc. ... and a digital inventory. This includes video and film.

Photographs need to be easily accessible and easy to capture. This will assist in creating and sustaining a comprehensive and well documented inventory. The PhotoMD takes this into account and records extensive information in an efficient way.

Management records expenses relating to each photograph, price paid, sale details, offers, insurance value, . . . including other Management functions such as where is it stored, what condition is it in, . . .

The PhotoMD is ideal for photographers and agencies who require a business tool to manage their stock.

  • Photo Library: this module captures various categories (meta data) to record descriptive information about an image, such as: subject, description, location, type, category, keywords, dates, etc.
  • Hyperlinks and images: the hyperlinks feature is found throughout the PhotoMD which offers linking to images, documents, video, etc. This truly turns your database into the nerve centre of managing a collection of images as literally any file can be linked. Note: if a link is made to an image it can be viewed as a thumbnail, clipped and zoomed. You can also open an image directly in your editing application (i.e. Photoshop, Gimp, etc). As the images are stored outside the PhotoMD this means you can link to CDs and/or an image bank on your computer or on a server.
  • Photographer details: these include surname, first names, dates, biographical details, etc.
  • Management details: there are a number of collection management features available such as: administrative information, financial information, storage details, condition, stock-taking history, etc.
  • Labeling: the PhotoMD also includes a labeling component designed for any general and specialised labeling tasks. It is ideal for the photographer, or agency, that needs to store information that is printed to labels (whether prints, slides, etc.). It is also for the archivist that stores various images that need labeling. Essentially, the PhotoMD is for any task that requires labels, whether they are required for identification purposes or not. One of the it's strengths is it's ability to store information in various sections only once, but being able to combine it in infinite ways. Information is stored using the Label information module. The combined information from the various sections is stored temporary. This gives you the flexibility of storing the information once and combining it without any duplication. You select the information when you need it. You can also send this information, with out any retyping, straight to the Photo Library by simply clicking a button.
  • Contacts and addresses: record contact, address, telephone, fax, email and Internet details and link this information where relevant; i.e. photographer, etc.
  • Internet and intranet exports: this component lets you select images, and descriptive information, then automatically create a seperate database that can be placed on the Internet or an intranet. A seperate web-based product, called the PhotoOMD, is used so visitors can search and retrieve information via your website. The ideal way to keep you website current - yourself!
  • Individual and grouped images: the PhotoMD records how images may be grouped - say an images is part of a portfolio, you can record information about the portfolio and relate each image to the portfolio.
  • Movement: both internal and external movement of a photograph, video, etc. can be recorded and archived. You can also instantly see which images are out of their permanent storage and link to the Contact information.
  • Copyright: there is a copyright section where copyright details and sequential reference numbers can be generated automatically for printing to labels.
  • Text label: this feature is available for generating any number of labels with any text you need displayed.
  • Formatting: the product also supports various formatting options such as font, size, style, etc.
  • Notes: there are a number of areas where you can keep documentation and management notes.
  • ID numbering: the ID numbering can be used to record any type of numbering system your organisation uses to uniquely identify each image in your collection.
  • Exporting: a number of exporting options are available, whether you need to generate a document to be sent as an email attachment, or export the entire database to a spreadsheet ... and more.

Click the image for a view of: Photo Library with image thumbnail
Photo Library with image thumbnail
Click the image for a view of: Photo library with extensive photographer details
Photo library with extensive photographer details
Click the image for a view of: Management module
Management module

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